Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Update :)


Ok here is the latest!

Two weekends ago, we went with my mom, grandma, and JJ to San Diego again! This time we went to Balboa park and visited the Natural History Museum!! It was a little rainy but still beautiful! Thanks mom for a great time!

Then!! We found out that Matt was selected for further consideration for the Air Traffic Control Position and was offered a position in San Diego!! :) :) :) We are so grateful and so excited because this is a huge answered prayer!!! Now, he has to still do the pre-employment processing in April and then has to go Oklahoma for training for a few months! Whoo hoo! We are so excited :) We haven't decided quite where we are going to live but I love San Diego!! He could have been sent to anywhere.

This last Sunday we went to Disneyland thinking it would be empty because of the Superbowl...uh..no...I wish!!! It was pretty crowded but we STILL had a good time :) This time, we took K on Peter Pan and Monster's Inc. She liked them! Well she didn't cry...so I assumed she liked them :) haha

Here are some other photos I took recently :) K doesn't have a whole lot of hair but it still gets messy when she wakes up from her nap!! It is so cute...although the picture is fuzzy, you can still see her hair :)

Here Daddy and K are watching Baby Einstein. haha

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