Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Wow, ok, bad blogging has become a habit of mine...sorry!

So what have I been up to?

I can't really remember past this last weekend. haha. Friday and Saturday, we watched my brother's kids Hunter, Cheyenne, and Norah. We had a good time! Hunter played lots of Rock Band, Cheyenne and I went shopping, and the two babies played a lot together :) Norah loves to kiss little Kaitlyn!

Saturday night we all made a trip to Chucky Cheese. All the kids went. Man, oh man, did I have a headache when I got home!! haha

Sunday we made another trip to Disneyland! It was so nice outside and even though there were a lot of people, it didn't seem like the lines were that long!

Work is going well and we are all doing pretty good! I am looking forward to a nice, quiet weekend at home!

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