Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wonderful Christmas!

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas!!

On Christmas Eve we attended my dad's annual Christmas Eve party. Lily made the best Chinese food and we had such a nice time. My mom had discovered some "lost" footage of me when I was about Kaitlyn's age so my dad pulled out the projector and I was amazed to see so many similarities.

Christmas morning we all woke up and opened presents and then went for Breakfast at Matt's sister's house. Then we headed over to my mom's for the afternoon.

K was more interested in the bows and paper than the presents but she got lots of cute new outfits and some fun toys!

Last night we had Matt's family over for carne asada tacos and then we played some games including Rock Band. I think Matt's dad enjoyed this the most and lived out some dream of his as he would not turn over the microphone for anyone. haha

Hope everyone else had a great Christmas!

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