Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Weekly Update :)

Our week has been good!

Matt had all last week off so he and little babe spent the week together! Here are some pictures of their time together :)

I took these because I love her beanie and she loves her biter biscuits!! My poor white shirt felt the wrath of the biter biscuit when I took it away from her too :)

Our trip to San Diego was just what Matt and I needed!! We took this on the way to our hotel. I love birds and we thought it was funny that they were all chillin on the traffic light.

We lounged around all Saturday night and then got up Sunday and went to Seaport Village to do some shopping. We stopped at this cafe over the water for some quick lunch before heading home.

Matt's parents came down for Christmas week! Here we are decorating a ginger bread house! (just look at the enthusiasm! haha)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That's great that you guys got to get away alone together Salch :)

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