Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm still here!!!!

Hi! Ok, so I am a bad blogger lately! I don't know how I could possibly have any less time than I have had recently, and nothing is really new so I can't figure that one out. So I dedicate the next 30 minutes or so (takes a while to upload photos on here) to update!

Let's see...Thanksgiving was my last post! Well we made it through Matt and K having the flu. Thank goodness she only threw up twice and seemed to be over it. I was relieved to have thought I made it through myself...but then last Thursday with only 1 hour left of work, I quickly came to regret that hot dog, nachos w/ jalepeno lunch I had earlier. The toilet at work and I became close friends again (we go way back when I had morning sickness). Of course I don't work on Fridays so how suspicious is it that suddenly I have to leave an hour before I am supposed to...uh huh! So then I was sick for the next two days. Unfortunately, that took up my day w/ K that I cherish and also put me even more behind in housework/laundry (if that is possible).

After being sick, I decided to try to become Superwoman (super mom, super wife, super Christian, super employee, you get the picture). I scheduled every minute of my week on paper and vowed to stick with it.


It lasted a day and a half until God gently and lovingly reminded me that this is never a good idea...I don't know why I do that to myself.

Anyhow, let's see. I made it through another week of work and K, JJ, and I accompanied my mom to San Diego on Thursday night. She had her monthly lung appointment and so we spent the night and went with her to the hospital the next morning. The kids were sooooo amazingly good and we were even at the hospital for 4 hours. My mom has a double stroller so I thank the LORD for inventions like this. The two of them just were so content being in it and I wheeled them EVERYWHERE! After my mom was done we went to Old Town for lunch and then Seaport village. It was a bit chilly, but it was beautiful! Thanks Mom for such a great time!!

Tonight, the guys are out and the babe went to bed at 7:45 so I cleaned like a mad woman and the house looks awesome!! It is 10 p.m. and I realized I hadn't eaten dinner so I popped a healthy (hahaha) pizza in the oven while I am blogging!

I am really looking forward to this week! Matt's parents are coming down for Washington Thursday and are going to stay through Christmas! Of course, we are taking advantage of this and Matt and I planned a one night trip to San Diego next weekend! We are going to RELAX!! Yay! I can't wait!

Well, I am pretty tired and need to eat my healthy dinner! Maybe I will get a chance to blog tomorrow!!!

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