Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tea Party

Kaitlyn and I decided to have a tea party outside.  We used to play tea all the time, but I got tired of water spilled everywhere and didn't want that on the wood floor because I could just picture all kind of falls and slips. So, we can have them outside and it doesn't matter what spills!

We had a visitor. I think this is a dove?

The girls continue to play well with eachother :) I got this cart at a thrift store for only $8 a few months back. Today I saw it at Toys R Us for almost $40! It has some missing pieces, but obviously the girls don't care.  Chloe sat in it for a good 20 minutes. haha

K was trying to wipe her face with a baby wipe...

We tried to take some pictures at the park the other day but it is hard when they are always on the go :)

I have almost finished decorating the girls rooms. We had a full size bed still located at the house we used to live at in Beaumont. We finally got it down here in hopes that K would sleep better at night and go to sleep on her own. Usually, I have to lay there with her while she falls asleep.  Sometimes it would take 5 minutes, usually it would take about 20, and sometimes an hour. You can imagine my frustration in having a long day already, having to sit there in the dark, fighting sleep myself, every night.

A lot of people suggested I lock her in her room somehow, I am not a big fan of the idea of locking her in her room or using a gate, especially if she is scared already. My sister told me about this Super Nanny episode where the parents had the same problem.  So the Nanny told her that she had to put her in bed, tell her she loved her and that it was time to go to sleep. Of course the little girl got up right away, so the mom had to keep repeating this until she finally went to sleep. It took the mom 2 1/2 hours and about 50 times putting the little girl back into the bed before she finally went to sleep the first night. The second night it only took her 5 times. We set it up and she told us she wanted to go to sleep by herself. I wasn't quite ready to take this on but went for it. After about an hour of crying and her getting up and me putting her back into bed (calmly!!!), she finally went to sleep. Tonight, it was about 10 minutes and only 3 times putting her back. I didn't feel guilty (which is huge for me!) because I just stayed calm and loving but firm and consistent. I am not sure if she will continue, BUT it has been a wonderful night :)

Matt is off to Vegas this next week for a work convention. Luckily, my mom is coming to stay with me :)


Charlee said...

I did the supernanny thing with Breven at about age 3 and it works you just have to stick to it even when she is sick or if she starts to revert!

Shelly McGuire said...

Hi Charlee! Yes we have done it 3 nights now and last night she didn't even cry, but I did have to put her back one time. She just whined a little and then fell asleep.

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