Monday, March 14, 2011

Our little Ballerina!

Kaitlyn has officially started Dance School! I took her for her first class this past Saturday and she loved it :) I wasn't sure if I could take pictures inside the studio so I got some before we went. Next time, I will get some hopefully at her school :) The teacher doesn't allow the parents inside the studio during class time all the time (just once a month) to minimize distractions. I was hoping I could watch from inside. Instead, we had to sit huddled by the window on the outside. I couldn't hear what was going on but I did see Kaitlyn's mouth going a lot. lol. She followed instructions and was quick to give out directions to the other girls.  She also hung out a lot by the mirror. haha After class, her teacher said that K was very excited to dance and was "quick" to follow directions.

The weather has been so wonderful, we decided to BBQ carne asada and chicken today! The girls enjoyed playing outside while Daddy cooked. I just enjoyed the nice evening!

I have been so tired lately! Matt got me at the wrong moment!!!
Our fruit trees are blossiming!

1 comment:

Casey Chronicles said...

Man I must say we miss you so much. Looks like our Princess is a dancer. Can't wait to see you guys. Sean actually starts Tball on April 9th. Cant believe they are old enough to do big kid activities.

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