Monday, January 4, 2010

A fresh start...

In talking with friends and reading other blogs, it seems that 2009 was a rough year for most, including me. While I have so much to be thankful for, the first half was filled with excitement and waiting of news of a new little one, Matt getting his job, the dream of being able to stay home at last coming true!!!

Then all three things happened, pretty much at the same time, haha. Stress summed up the last part of 2009 and was not a happy time most of it.

It was hard not having Matt for 2 1/2 months.

It was hard being pregnant.

Even though I had a ton of help from family, it was hard to pack up a house and move.

It was hard to go through labor without drugs. (ugh)

It was hard to adjust to a new apartment the size of most of your living rooms while coping with a toddler that had her whole world turned upside down while dealing with a very fussy new baby that was also dealing with a momma tired, overwhelmed and suffering from mild depression....oh ya...and the room full of packed boxes staring at me every day.


The apartment I was so excited to move into across from the beautiful lake with the ducks turned out to be kind of a dud. There is no storage anywhere....I have a pantry that is no bigger than a ....goodness, I can't evne think of anything to compare it to. All the appliances turned on (so to the naked eye, they worked) until you actually needed them to do something. The lake is pretty but is sadly overtaken with homeless people that are drunk or on drugs. I think I witnessed a post drug deal once while walking to the park. haha. We have also nicknamed our neighbor above us "Pegleg" as we swear she has wooden legs...who walks that loudly...seriously!

My poor girls witnessed their momma cry probably once a day at least for awhile. At times I hated being lost in the whirlwind of being a mom, especially a stay at home one. I missed my friends at work. I chalk up the last two months of sadness to post-partum depression and I move on.

2010 ushers in a new wave of hopes! I haven't cried in about 2 weeks. My little Clo-Bo has become much easier and is a joy that I cannot explain. My little Kaitlyn continues to amaze us each day and I am getting the stay-at-home thing a little better!

We also are moving into a bigger condo!!! Whoo hoo!!! I know it sounds crazy in the sense that we will have to kinda disrupt the lives of our girls again, but it will be for the better and a much easier move.

I look forward to settling in and enjoying my sweet family more. I mostly look forward to saying goodbye to pegleg and not having to store my tupperware in the bookcase in my living room... haha


Jessica said...

ahhhh.... I hope 2010 ends up being a stellar year for you :) Being a mama of two little ones is HARD, I've had plenty of days where I've hardly held it together myself :) I hope your new condo ends up being a WAY better place for you and your family :)

Hugs for my Salch!!

Andrea said...

Shelly you make me laugh. I can only imagine how rough its been for you guys, but look at you...totally a survivor ;-)
You should really find a MOPS group out there to be a part of, its so encouraging talking with other moms going through the same struggles. And if you hear of any Beth Moore bible studies taking place, I highly reccommend any of them, they've been life changing for me!
Keep up the great work, you are a fantastic mommy!!

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