Monday, September 7, 2009

This weekend was pretty good! We made two trips down to San Diego to look for housing. I found a couple places in a town east of San Diego that I liked. The first condo was SUPER nice and updated on the inside, had washer and dryer (which I am finding is very rare) and the right price, but you had to climb 3 flights of stairs to get to it. Here is a picture (it is at the very top and to the left).

Ok, ok, I realize that I would be crazy to think that I can lug two children up and down 3 flights of stairs all the time (think about grocery shopping), but I cannot be too picky!! We did find another place that is only 1 flight of stairs, across from a lake/playground/community center/library and is the same price. I don't think it is as nice on the inside (have only seen pictures), but it seems more practical. The first condo has already approved us if we want it. I know I need to trust God and pray about it. I have called on the second one but haven't heard back yet.

Other than that, I decided I better start getting my baby stuff ready for little Chloe! I spent the day cleaning like a mad woman and washed and cleaned my infant carseat and bassinet. K was of course very interested in this and had a hard time accepting that she couldn't go in the bassinet. But I let her play on all the other things and she seemed happy to put her baby in the bassinet at least! She is such a cutie!

I saw this on Jessica's blog (a friend had made one for her) and thought I would give it a try. I had pictured it a little different in my mind but I like the end result ok. I think in the end, I just wanted to hurry up and be done! haha

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That's great that you found a couple of possible places, I hope one of them works out for you!

Your crate looks super cute :)

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