Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well we found out last Tuesday we are having another girl!!! We are so excited :) :) I really wanted Kaitlyn to have a sister :) I am so used to a girl too, I am not sure what I would do with a boy haha. Now we can concentrate on a name! I like the name Abigail but I am not sure Matt is totally on board with that yet!

We had another good weekend! The Cherry Festival was going on in our town the last four days and on Saturday we made it to the parade. We almost didn't make it because it started at 10:30 and K didn't even go down for her nap until 9 something, so I just figured we would catch it some other year. But she woke up at 10:20 and since it is literally down the street we rushed just in time for it to start! Which is why she is still in her jammies. haha It was kinda cold anyways so it was good she was warm, haha. She liked the horses the best of course, but seemed to enjoy the rest of it. I couldn't get her to smile when I was taking a picture...

Later that afternoon we went to the Cherry Festival and walked around. I love the food at carnivals and fairs so that is the highlight for me! I also like to look at all the local booths but didn't see anything good. Matt and Uncle David hung out in the beer garden so they were pretty happy, lol. We also saw cousin Joshie there!

Sunday was kinda a lazy day. We did manage to get out and visit our good friends Dan and Lori to see there new little girl Madison. She is a cutie pie and so little! Well she was almost 7 pounds but I forgot how little they come out!

Then K and I went shopping in Redlands! I attempted my first sewing job this weekend and tried to hem some of Matt's nice slacks. My sewing machine is capable, but I wasn't. haha. Hemming isn't the easiest thing so I am going to start out making K's curtains that I have been trying to get made since she was born. It may be a bigger project but I just have to sew in a straight line and I can handle that!

I am also going to take on the task of de-junking my house literally one to two rooms a week. I figure that although it may be a long time until we actually move, I only have 4 more months of just having one child and can probably forget any major projects like that for awhile. Plus this will give me some stuff to have a yard sale with :)

K has been doing good! We have been practicing eating with a spoon which she does really well with actually :) And I have been teaching her to clean up after ourselves. She loves to put her diapers in the pail and to pick up her dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. When her bath is almost over, we sing the "clean up" song and put her toys away. She is so cute when she tries to sing it..."jeet up jeet up" it makes Matt and I laugh every time.

I have a regular week at work ...ugh! No dr. appts or any special events to break it up. Oh well!

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