Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm so proud!!

We had a pretty nice weekend! We have been enjoying the outdoors more in the evening since it has been pretty warm during the day. We also have been swimming a lot! I went shopping and bought some cute prego bathing suits and a few summery prego outfits. I must say that I am not looking forward to being the most pregnant during the summer months. I haven't even gained a whole lot and seem to be warmer that usual!

My little cutie has been making us crack up a lot lately. She has about 20 words in her vocabulary now but my favorite is "poo poo" which she says when she is going. I think she will be easy to potty train. haha Another of my favorites is "moo". Any time she sees a cow she says "moo moo" hehe :)

On Sunday, I went over to my dad's house and he built me a flower box! I love it! I have been wanting to plant some veggies for some time now but we have a gopher problem in the backyard. Matt is going to stain it for me and hopefully I will have some things planted by this weekend! Now that I know how to make one, I may make some more in the future. I don't do too well with plants so I will see how this goes first!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yup, being prego in the summer is rough! I get nauseous when I'm in the heat for too long. Plus you just feel hotter overall. OH the things we go through to have our babies :)

I can't wait to find out what you're having!!!! Do you find out soon?

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