Sunday, May 10, 2009

A wonderful Mother's Day :)

I had one of the best Mother's Days! On Saturday, I hosted a Mother's Tea here at my house. The men took the children and us ladies just got to relax, eat, and we played a fun game! I laughed so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes!!! Then today, Matt and Kaitlyn took me to buy my sewing machine I have been wanting!! I don't have a whole lot of time to use it yet, but I know that when I get to stay home eventually, I will make all our clothes and blankets...haha jk. I will use it a lot more though when I do get to stay home! Then we went over to my brother's house where they had a wonderful BBQ :) We finished the day off with a nice swim in our pool! I got a really cute video of Matt and K which I will post when we use up our whole video disc :)

As I sit here tonight, thinking about my own 2nd mother's day, I feel so blessed! I thanked God for the job of being a mommie and I tear up just thinking about it (oh boy, here come the hormones again!!). What other job in the world is so tough and so blessed at the same time? Being an auditor (I know, sounds boring, but I actually do like it, haha), I hope that I make a small difference. Maybe I haven't gotten the chance to discover a million dollar fraud scheme yet, but I still am out there every day making sure people did what they were paid money to do! But in 100 years, who really cares?!!?? This is not my legacy. My babies are my legacies and they are my heart.

One of my co-workers was telling my friend that being a stay at home mom is so over-rated. I am glad I wasn't there because this would have turned into a heated debate!!! But when I finally get to leave my job someday and this person asks me why, oh I will not hold back! haha

Here are some other pictures of my cutie! I love this time of year and all the cute outfits I get to dress her in :)

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