Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Warning: This post is a by-product of my pregnancy hormones...

I don't think I mentioned on here the latest with Matt's job! He had his "interview" on April 22nd. I type "interview" but it was really just a formality. I had read on the Air Traffic forums that these interviews are just to get to know you more than actually screening people. This was made evident when the guy interviewing Matt stated that he didn't care for the interview questions that much and skipped over half of them! haha

He also completed other pre-employment processing things like a physical, psych test, medical background, etc... He left for the day with a TOL in hand (that is Tentative Offer Letter)!!! The only bad news for the whole day was that anyone working on the West Coast probably won't get to go to training until the next Fiscal Year (which starts this October) because the FAA has met all it's hiring numbers for this year. But really that means he could go anytime between October 09 and May 2010. UGh!

Ok, God, I know you are in control...but you know that I am due in October right!!!
Of course I know God has it handled and I need not worry.

What is another 6-12 more months of waiting when we have already waited 10 months!! If I wasn't a Government employee myself, I may have made a comment on the slow process...but that is the pot calling the kettle black. haha

Anyhow, my hopes and dreams of getting to stay home are becoming more of a reality!!!! I will choose to be grateful for this time that I have a job because it will make me appreciate staying home that much more.

On the days where I just can't seem to handle the work-home juggle, I just remember that an end is in sight. And on the days when my eyes are full of tears because I have extreme Mommy guilt ("I should be home with her!" "I only got to see her for 2 hours", etc.), I have HOPE!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hang in there Salch! Waiting is TOUGH! It definitely molds us into better people, but boy is it tough.

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