Thursday, November 1, 2012

Last Post

Hello!  Well after much going back and forth, I decided to once again change the direction I was heading with blogging.  I really wanted to start a blog to appeal more to the public domain, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized, I really have nothing to blog about that probably anyone would care about. lol. I'm not putting myself down, but I don't come up with new recipes and I am certainly no expert in any field.  I just love and admire fellow friends and bloggers who do blog for the masses and thought it would be fun.  I will continue to admire.

So I asked myself what really got me blogging in the first place.  My in-laws moved to Washington shortly before I had Kaitlyn.  It was fun to update them on our lives and to help them in a small way, cope with being away from the grand kids.  I also am not into scrap booking and was looking for a way to document our lives for myself and children in the years to come.

This brought me to the realization that I really want to blog now for my girls. My family and friends can still be updated, but it really is for my babes.  After all, I guess I am an expert in them! My hope and desire is to never paint a picture of perfection, but to help them see what it is like to be a Momma and to hopefully give them advice along the way. 

This will be the last post here! 

If you care to follow me, my new blog is

Thanks for following me up to this point!


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