Friday, August 31, 2012

Catch Up!

Wow!! I was down to one blog a week and now apparently, it is one blog a month :( Oh well!!! I will try to catch up in this one!

We have been really busy this month which is always a good thing for me!! I have so many changes I want to blog about, but will save it for another time! I am trying to re do my blog and gear it towards a different purpose, but I am slow in redesigning/starting a new one. I will get there :)

Here are some things we have been doing!

I have started letting K cook her own scrambled eggs (under close supervision of course!).  She is very careful :)
Our big family vacation including a camping trip in Idyllwild!  This was the first tent camping experience for the girls! They did really well and despite a huge thunderstorm that lasted an hour, it was a lot of fun!!

I tried to think ahead and bring plenty of stuff for the girls to do.  I found these awesome kits from this wonderful blog and the girls loved them! I only got through the ocean themed kit which I had to modify.

 We got these wonderful air mattresses for kids with the sleeping bag attached!! They were awesome!
 Chloe still wanted to play on my phone a lot :( haha.

The best night of the entire month was the night of the Neil Diamond concert!!! That man still has it at 72 years old!!
 I ordered the girls little desks and they loved the packing paper the most I think!!! Chloe was cuddling with it while sucking her thumb. haha

This past week, we took a spontaneous trip the downtown San Diego. We took the trolley from Old Town to Seaport Village.  From there we took the ferry to Coronado Island! It was HOT outside, but one of the best trips with the girls we have taken :)

Poor Chloe had gotten sunscreen in her little eyes so she looks kinda tired here. Poor thing!

 On the way back to the trolley, we found this cool hedge maze!
Other than that, I am preparing to homeschool Kaitlyn for pre-K.  I would like to continue through the rest of her school years but I will write more about that later!

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