Sunday, February 5, 2012

Loving Pinterest

I am so hooked on Pinterest (and I realize that many of you have been long before I was)!  I decided that I can justify all the time I spend on there if I actually do some of the projects!  Have found so many great things to do for and with the girls!!

We made Rainbow Rice!

 Minnie kept trying to eat it!

You can't really tell in the picture, but we made a glow stick jar!

This is the start of a castle I am making for K's bday party!  It will look way better when finished of course!! It isn't even half done here :)

I bought these bingo dabbers at the Dollar Tree and just drew these pictures really quick one night.  The one K is doing is a game where she has to roll the dice and then count the dots.  Then she stamps a circle on the number she found.

I just made little pictures for Chloe to fill in the circles :)

I wish I could take credit for all these! I love Pinterest!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you doing all those Pinterest projects!!!! I've done lot of the crafty ones.... and really the most useful thing for me is the photography inspiration. Gosh, it's so fun!
