Friday, January 27, 2012

A rough patch

The last few weeks have been a bit rougher (is that a word?!) than usual. I have been so grumpy and just couldn't shake it for the longest time.  I don't know why. There isn't really a good reason, but it was like I could hear myself speaking so harshly to the girls and having no patience whatsoever.  Not that it has been that easy! Not only did Chloe drop her one and only nap, we also started potty training. I hate potty training!!!!!! It is by far one of the most frustrating experiences in parenting I have had! However! Chloe is doing so well and she has only a few accidents here and there and has caught on so quickly!

To deal with the no nap situation (whhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa), I have to put into place a "Quiet time" which I call Play time.  They would be opposed to anything named quiet.  I hear parents tell me that when their child dropped a nap, they still sent them to their room to read books quietly or play for 1-2 hours.

that sort of thing exists??!?

We are starting out with a 15 minute time period first.  I set the timer and the girls have to go upstairs and play either together or separately for 15 minutes WITHOUT calling for Mommy to help with ANYTHING.

This might sound like a "duh" for most parents but my children for some reason are attached to my hip at all times during the day.  I occasionally get a break where they are distracted enough to let me be but it comes with several "Mommyyyyyyyyyy, I need help buttoning this dress" or "Mommmmyyyyyyy etc. etc."  So 15 minutes of bliss a day. That is my starting point and eventually, HOPEFULLY, will be an hour!

The good thing is, if Chloe hasn't snuck in a nap while driving somewhere for some reason, both girls are snoring away by 7:30.

Something else I have finally learned in my 2 years of stay-at-home mommyhood is how to schedule my day.  Because of the before mentioned at-hip thing, I tried to schedule out the entire day (ex. from 10-10:15, read books, from 10:15-10:30 eat snack, from 10:30-10:40, play puzzles).  Ridiculous, I know.  Now I am trying to block out my day in much bigger segments that include play time with the kids, some sort of teaching time, my "quiet" time (whoo hoo), a chore time for mommy, and some outdoor activity if weather permits. For example, on Saturdays it looks something like this

Wake up time to 10 involves just getting up and getting everyone ready and fed.

10-11:30 Baking Time: We try to bake something together. It may not last the entire time but they can do something else if we finish up early.
11:30-12:30 Lunch and clean up
12:30-2:30 Make crafts for Grandparents
2:30-4:00 Play time while I clean the Living room
4-5: Play outside somewhere
5-7:30 Dinner and clean up.

I tried spacing my cleaning chores to one room a day.  If I spent the whole day cleaning my entire house, it would be wrecked within a matter of minutes.  This way I can give special attention to each room and do a quick up of the rest of the house before bed.

I have only been trying this schedule for a few weeks but it works wonderfully for me.  With the exception of me getting off track with potty training, it has been nice to not feel so overwhelmed with housework.  If the bathroom is looking a little dingy, I know it will get it's "day" soon and I don't worry about it.

I will end with a picture of my dear Clobo.  We momentarily lost her in the house one day and I opened up our dark laundry room to find her there...

Hmmm..not a bad idea!!

1 comment:

  1. I've missed you these past few weeks--but I KNEW you had a full plate and I'm so glad Clobo is potty-trained! I think you do such a great job with your girls. I'm going to send you a schedule-thingamombob that I use (not that I'm anything to look up to...but the paper is great:) that you might find useful. xxx
