Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentines and Disneyland Cubed

Hello :) We have had a busy few weeks (sorry I haven't blogged Grandma Nancy!).

For Valentine's Day, our neighbor invited the girls and I over for a little Valentine party. It was really cute. Sadly this was the only picture I got there.

However, I did try to dress the girls up in pink dresses and get a few pictures before and after :)

 I don't know why, but somehow we went to Disneyland three times in a week span. First, the four of us joined my mom and Norah, then the girls and I joined my friend Crystal there on Tuesday. She had a work emergency and had to leave for a few hours. I do NOT want to ever go alone with just me and the girls. lol. They weren't bad, but it was just too much work!!! Then Matt took K on her 3rd birthday :) P.S. There are other random pictures mixed in and none of them are in order...too much work to fix and I am too tired. haha

 Here is K with her birthday box from Grandma and Grandpa McGuire :)


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