Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another nice week :)

Hello!! Here is my weekly update!

The girls and I went back to the sand park! It was nice weather again :)

The girls love oranges! Silly girls :)

 We had gone on a picnic with our neighbors but the grass was super muddy. Guess who was obsessed with it and eventually fell into a huge mud puddle?

 We had a visit from my little niece Norah! The girls had a great time together :)

The first Tuesday of the month, the Botanical Gardens in Encinitas has free admission! This was the first time we got to go that Chloe could get down and enjoy it too. It was a madhouse there though and there were kids everywhere so it made it hard to really play. We still had fun though :)

 She was saying "Cheese" here. haha

 These were silly pictures with Daddy :)

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