Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pierced ears and spilled pasta

We went to the mall on Saturday and Kaitlyn saw a little girl get her ears pierced.  She decided that she wanted to do it despite my best effort to explain that it would be painful! The next day, we went and she sat in the chair so excited.  Luckily, there were two girls working so they both pierced an ear at the same time. K had this shocked look on her face and said "OUCH" and then "MOMMAAAAAA". Luckily she only cried for a minute! She picked Hello Kitty earrings and they are adorable on her!

 Later today,I walked in the kitchen to this and it was one of those moments where you just gotta say Oh well....the girls played in the pasta and laughed for at least 10 minutes. Turkeys!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, I have many messes like that in my home :)

    Kaitlyn is brave.. wow!

    Also, a comment for your previous post... Alayna has the same stroller, and it amuses me so much to see her push it all around the house :)p
