Saturday, November 27, 2010


Well as usual, I have been a bad blogger! Oh well, at least here are some recent pictures! We had a nice Thanksgiving at my brother's house (but did not take one single picture, boo!!).  The girls enjoyed playing with the cousins very much! I can hardly believe it is almost December! Time does fly :)  I have to get my nice camera fixed soon! It has been too long and this camera doesn't take the greatest pictures.

 The girls and I headed down to Horton Plaza in the Gaslamp quarter of downtown San Diego one Saturday. I lost count how many times we rode the elevator trying to find the floor with the train on it (there are like 6 levels to this place).  We got to meet lots of interesting people: a worker from the Panda Express, a homeless guy, and another poor older gentlemen also lost in the levels.
 We were the only one to ride the train so I think the lady let us go around like 30 times...ugh! At least we got our money's worth!

 Chloe LOVES this pink stroller. I will be doing dishes in the kitchen and just see this little bald head go past me several times.  It cracks us up the stuff she puts in the stroller. I have found lots of things she picks up on her travels: a puzzle piece, a tea cup, a hair tie, a lost goldfish cracker, a Christmas ornament she snagged off the tree as she went by, a magnet,  a shoe, etc.  Here she has an old juice cup and a tupperware full of fish. I love this girl!

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