Tuesday, October 12, 2010


We have been super busy! Last week my mom came down and then we headed to Beaumont for Chloe's 1st b-day party! I don't have the pictures yet but will post them when I can! In the meantime, here are some pictures!

I dyed my hair back closer to my natural color! It was getting way too blonde!!!!!

I was trying to get a picture of K with her pretty headband on! It doesn't stay for very long but I think she is so pretty in them :) She kept sticking her tongue out...
We went to the local Pumpkin Patch. It was great!!! It was free admission and everything was only $1 (even the pumpkins!)

In the corn maze!
Having some snacks :)

We decided to go to Seaport Village on Monday since Matt had it off :) I had to take some pictures in the car in case I didn't get any the rest of the day!
Here is Chloe in her new carseat! She screamed so much in the car that we got her a new one thinking the other one was uncomfortable or something, she screams much less now.

This was the only one where they were both looking at the camera. Chloe looks mad, haha

My very handsome hubby!

Here we are on the carosel! Chloe was too afraid to be on the horse, so we sat in the seat :)

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