Saturday, October 23, 2010

Operation Reclaim Bedroom (Part 2)

Ahhhhhh...yes that is the sound of a master bedroom with just one bed in it! It is the sound of a little girl's room with two beds in it!

How long will it last!!!!!

The pacifier thing was surprisingly easy!!! She whined a few nights but really overall it was a piece of cake!

She also was going to sleep in her own bed. I was still in the room but at least on my own bed while she fell asleep.

Now in her own bed, in her own room! Yay!

I am going to go now and dance around with the lights on in my own room. haha


  1. Sunshine seems a lot like Sean so it should be an easy transition. Isn't it an amazing feeling? Like I said about the pacifier thing it might take a few nights, but it will work out. And then you will find yourself wishing they would lay with you. I am so proud of you that you have reclaimed your bedroom. We miss you guys. Love T

  2. Yea!!! We have that in our house and its great! I even baby gate the 2yr old in her room so we get nos "late night surprises"
