Sunday, August 22, 2010


About a year ago, we met the dearest friends, the Caseys! Matt and Ryan were in Oklahoma together for training and then I got to meet him and his wife Tina when little Clobo was only 4 weeks old. We all went to the zoo together here in San Diego. Their adorable son Sean and Kaitlyn were inseperable!!! Since then, Kaitlyn has been nicknamed Sunshine by Sean and they love eachother so much! We have gotten together a few times, but recently we all went to SeaWorld together! Here are some pictures Tina took of us all. We love you guys!!

They love to hold hands! So cute!!!!

Not sure what kind of face K is making here. hahaha

1 comment:

  1. You are right they are so cute together. I just wish that we lived closer so they could spend more time together. We love you guys.
