Sunday, August 22, 2010

My cutie pies!

The girls and I had a nice evening! I had to get some pictures of Kaitlyn's new hairdo. It is finally long enough to sort of do a pony tail in the back. I think she looks like the girl chipmunk from Alvin and the Chipmunks (can't think of her name!) She serenaded us with a ten minute song entitiled "Don't hit (insert every single item in the room)"

Don't hit momma;
Don't hit Chloe;
Don't hit the table;
Don't hit the soda; get the picture!

Little Clobo started this arm thing with my mom which is funny because my mom was with me when she was born. She told me later that all she saw at first was Chloe's right arm pop out, like she was doing the back stroke out of the womb. lol.

I distinctly remember this moment,

not having an epidural...
screaming "MOMMMY, IT HURTS!!!!"...
and I thought at the time the nurses said something about the baby being breech (which in my dilusional state, I understood as the baby was coming out sideways, that is what it felt like anyways and increased the terror factor 100xs).

Anyhow, the other day, Chloe just started putting her right arm at my mom while we were in a restaurant. It was hilarious. Now she does it all the time when we eat and stares at me to give her five. I feel obligated to do so because out of the corner of my eye, I see this little arm hanging in the air.

My girls. They are the loves of my life!

Later after bath time, K made this box train for her and Chloe all by herself. I had to grab a camera because I thought it was funny that K's box has the nice comfortable cushion and Chloe's has a placemat for a cushion.

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