Thursday, June 17, 2010

I have to break up with my T.V.

I have struggled for months now on this whole T.V. issue. I remember when I was still working, I would feel so guilty if I let Kaitlyn watch more than two Barney episodes in one day. Now the T.V. has become my best friend/baby sitter/chore accomplisher/able to get dinner done/need a break from the kids/run out of things to play with/try to convince myself it is all for education/oopps I ran way over the two hour limit...again/device.

It is time to break up...


So, do I take the approach of slowly cutting back? Do I quit cold turkey? Do I send the T.V. a "It's not you, it's me" letter?

ugh...I will try cold turkey. Let you know how it goes...IF I AM STILL HERE TO WRITE ABOUT IT!


  1. Don't do it!!!!!

    I try to keep a tv okay time frame. Anytime before 9 am and anytime after 5/6. Some days it doesn't come on at all and others I'm sure I went over. A little TV is okay! But if she starts telling you what show is coming om next then maybe it might be time to cut back :)

  2. Breven gets tv tokens and has to turn them in for tv time he gets 2 automatic a day and if he wants more he has to earn more. Sissy on the other hand can't do that so she gets what he gets

  3. LOL.

    Ethan gets one show after he wakes up in the morning, one show after nap, and usually one during the day while I'm either getting ready or fixing dinner. I figure an hour total is ok.

    My mom did the TV token thing with us too when we were older, it worked well.

    Sometimes you just need a little sanity and a little bit of TV will not hurt them... especially since you are home with them all the time loving them, teaching them and doing things with them.
