Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ladybugs and Cattle

Hello :)

Today was a great day! I took the girls to the Ladybug festival in Encinitas. It wasn't a huge festival, but the girls had fun. K even got a little container of live ladybugs, got to paint a flower pot, and a lady bug rock. Afterwards, we went to one of our favorite parks but it was super crowded. There were two boys in particular that were really rowdy and running up and down the slide where the little ones were playing. K usually kinda freaks out in this situation but she got in one of the boys face and said "Excuse me" and then asked him to fix the velcro on her shoe. I think the boy was so surprised but he told her ok and fixed her shoe. It was hilarious.

We came home to a lot of noise in the upstairs apartment. I have heard noise from time to time, but today, it felt like Pegleg was visiting a Pegleg reunion upstairs. Even Kaitlyn asked me, "The rapers (neighbors) keep falling down?"

I don't know what the heck is going on up there? Are they herding cattle? Are they having a race? Are they tap dancing? I am hoping beyond hope that it is just a temporary thing.

Here's someone little hand trying to get the paper on the table...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why but your blog posts weren't showing up in my reader! Booo! Hopefully I fixed it.

    Yay for a new post :) Thanks for having us over today. We love playing with you guys!
