Sunday, April 25, 2010

My beautiful girls :)

I decided I need a post to point out all the wonderful things my girls are and are up to :)

Kaitlyn is 2 yrs and 2 months old and we just adore her. She jibber jabbers all day long and catches us off guard all the time by what she says. Lately here are some of the things she says and does!

She calls almost everyone "honey" even kids at the park. "Honey, let's go on the slide." "Honey what are you doing?" "Honey, you want to play with me?"

She also calls us by our names. She told me the other day, "Shelly, you're silly..." and when Daddy doesn't answer right away, it becomes "Mattttttt."

I didn't realize this sort of thing happens so early on, but she is already playing us parents against one another. I will tell her no and she will go ask Daddy. When Daddy says no too, she then says "Mommy say it ok." LOL How does she think this way already?!?

She loves her cousins and her new friends Julia and Ava. She loves going to the park and she loves to help me around the house. In fact, she hardly plays with her toys anymore because she would rather do what we are doing. She loves to do dishes and laundry, and she is actually quite good at doing these things too! Look, I even taught her to clean mirrors.

Lately, she likes to tell me everything is lost. I will ask her, "Where is ..." and she will say "I don't know, it is lost." Lol. What a turkey!

She loves to play with Chloe but doesn't always like Chloe playing with her toys (understandable and to be expected). She is always asking to hold her baby sister and when people call Chloe a baby, she tells them angrily, "No her name is Chloe"

Right now she is REALLY into blowing bubbles. We do this at least two times a day and have every bubble blowing device known to man.

She is such a joy and we are so blessed :)

My little Clo-bo has come a long way! Poor thing had such a stressed out momma in the beginning and I hope that my mood didn't affect her negatively. She is doing so well now though and is 6 months old already!

She is such a great sleeper! Although we aren't entirely through the night, she has always been good at sleeping! I know with K, she would be up for hours at nighttime just wide awake, but Chloe has always slept through the night for the most part! Now she just sticks her little thumb in her mouth and sleeps away!

She is such a cuddly baby too. She loves to be held and cuddled! Although I was the only one she would go to for a long time, she loves when her daddy holds her now and plays with her! And of course she loves Kaitlyn and laughs at her the most!

Chloe loves to look at herself in the mirror which is hilarious to me. I don't know if she realizes it is her at this age, but whatever she thinks, she loves the little chubby baby staring back at her!

She sits up pretty well now unsupported :) She hates her tummy as much as her sister did so I suspect she will be a late crawler/walker too. But that is ok!

She loves, LOVES, baloons and balls. I have never seen arms flail as crazily as hers do when she sees either! It is so funny to watch :)

She definately has found her voice and loves to use it when we are supposed to be quiet! But seriously, who can complain when it is a happy sound?

She is very observant and is always watching us and what is going on. I can just see her little eyes taking everything in. I so wonder what she will be like at K's age.

We are so blessed with our little Clo-bo and love her so much!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea Shelly! I loved reading about my two beautiful nieces, so special in their own ways :) A friend of mine was telling me how she made little treasure boxes for her grandchildren and throughout the year she will write out something special about them that they do or say or just how God made them and they store these notes in the treasure box and love to go back and look through them. I want to steal the idea and start it for the kids. Anyways, thanks for sharing about Kaitlyn and Chloe, I know they will treasure those preciouse words as they grow.
