Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mr. Krabs and Spongebob

Things are going really well here! I just feel so refreshed and like the old me is back, but a better version. There is a joy in my heart that is so unexplainable...partly because of our new place but I know mostly it is God. While I have always loved my little girls, there is a new appreciation for them.

Kaitlyn's b-day is coming up and I have been wanting to get her a pet. I figured a hermit crab would be pretty low maintenance and wouldn't attract other rodents and such. While Matt was getting his haircut today, us three girls headed over to the "Zoo" (Petco) and we picked out a hermit crab with a pretty ladybug shell :) K was very excited. We named him Mr. Krabs. Matt claims that this is more for me than for her...maybe he is a little right? What can I say? I love pets. Nonetheless, she loves it. And I am happy to say it even survived when I accidently dropped it's coconut shell on top of it...eeek.

Tonight was an interesting evening. I realized I was running low on diapers so I had to run to the store. I had to take Chloe and K really wanted to go so I took her too. I don't mind her coming as they are both pretty good, but it was rainy. It wasn't raining when we went inside but when I went to check out, it was pouring. So we scoured the store for the few umbrellas remaining. It was either an ugly spiderman one or Spongebob (which K loves). The problem with this is that she doesn't understand that umbrellas are used only outside. So when we were done loading the car, I had to pry spongebob from her fingers as she screamed at the top of her lungs "MY UMBRELLA" over and over. This continued for most of the ride home. A crying sister is usually accompanied by another crying sister...poor things.

Despite the tantrums...I love and adore my little gifts from God. I will post some pics soon of Mr. Krabs, but here are some recent ones!

When we tell her to pose for the camera, this is what she does..haha

My little babe is already holding her own bottle!

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