Friday, January 29, 2010

Chicken and Ham

So we are surviving in chicken pox land. Chloe is doing really well and doesn't seem to bothered by her pox which is a relief. In fact I think she has stopped breaking out and her first ones are healing already! I cannot wait to be able to get out of the house!

Other than that we are still doing pretty good. Spending 12-13 hours in the house can be tough! I run out of things to do...and probably let K watch too much TV. We play a lot and do chores together and still do crafts but it is such a long day to try to fill it with stuff. She is not independent at all and will hardly play on her own. She was getting better but she is still in the phase of being scared of every little noise. So short 10 minute breaks are all I get until she realizes that Mommy is not in the room. She doesn't take a nap at all during the day either...

Any ideas??

We do go out on the balcony a lot which she loves. Here are some pics I got of her while Chloe was sleeping. :) I haven't figured out my software yet to do photo editing so please ignore the spaghetti sauce and boogers. haha She is such a ham for the camera :)

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