Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting easier :)


Things are a lot better since I last blogged. My mother-in-law and mother have both helped get things in order here :) Matt's mom came out several days over the last couple of weeks and she watched the girls and gave me tons of good organization ideas to meet my lack of storage problem. My mom also has come out and she let Matt and I go on our first date in 3 months!!! It was great! We went and had sushi down in the gaslamp district and walked around. Then she stayed while we went to the zoo and cleaned up for us and organized my hutch in my dining room! Thanks moms!!!! I would have gone crazy without your help!!

Matt is still doing well with his job. He starts flight data which is a step before he actually starts getting certified. Flight data is where he helps his team in making sure they are aware of all the flights scheduled.

K has adjusted much more too which is a big relief...I hate to see her having a hard time and it was difficult when she would act up because of the craziness! She is helping mommy with Chloe and she has started helping with chores and meals :) It is so cute!

C had her first appt 2 weeks ago with a wackadoo doctor down here where we live. The nurse had trouble with the scale but she told me she only weighed 7 lbs 8 oz which was her discharge weight. They also said she grew 2 inches which seemed a bit for only 2 weeks old. I changed her doctor and took her last thursday. She weighed 9 lbs 15 oz and according to their measurement had only grown 1/4 inch. I am so glad I changed doctors!!

Amidst the craziness we have managed to get out and do a lot of fun things! Last weekend we went to SeaWorld and then this Saturday we went to the zoo with some of Matt's co-workers.

Here are some pictures from our past weeks :)


She didnt like the shows too much! haha

At home...

Poor Chloe! Her headband kept falling.

I will post the zoo pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad things are getting easier Salch! Thanks for posting the pictures, your girls are super cute :)
