Monday, November 2, 2009

Chloe Faith McGuire!!

Chloe was born on October 14th at 6:23 a.m.! She weighed 7 lbs, 14 1/2 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. My contractions began around 2:00 a.m. and began to intensify around 5:30 a.m. They weren't very consistent but they were getting terribly painful so we headed to the hospital and got there at 6. Much to my dismay, I was too late for an epidural and several terrifying screams later, Chloe was born at 6:23! OUCH! I do not promote natural childbirth in any way!! haha

Matt was due back on the 15th but a few days before this, his instructor worked it out so he could come home on the 14th in case I went into labor. Unfortunately, daddy missed her birth but at least he got to the hospital around 5 that evening and was able to stay with us :) It was soooooooooo wonderful to see him! Matt's mom took little Kaitlyn to go pick him up at the airport. She was holding the Welcome Home Daddy sign we made but when she saw him, she threw it down and went running into his arms and bear hugged him forever. She was daddy's girl before he left and is certainly back to being that!!

The following Sunday we headed down to our new place and Matt started his new job that Monday. I have to admit, these last few weeks have been very difficult. This is everything I asked for but it is hard to take on two children, one just born, and one who has her world turned upside down for the last few months, into an apartment filled with boxes that I cannot get to. I just take it one day at a time and luckily have been blessed with some help from Matt's mom in unpacking!

Each day I try to get the girls out to the lake and the playground. K loves to be outside and the weather has been nice! I will take some pics soon of our surroundings as it is quite pretty!

Matt is doing really well at his new job and seems to like it! I am glad he is doing good and hope to get this place organized for all our sakes!

In the meantime, here are some pictures of our new little one and her big sis!!! I will take more and post more when things calm down a little!!


  1. Oh my goodness! I cannot believe you delivered without an epi!!!! Wow!! Super mom!!!!

    I would love to come down and help anyway I can. I don't want to put my cell on here but here is my email I'm not too far from you (I think). Maybe I could help unpack or take Kaitlyn to a park/walk with my girls and allow you to rest while Chloe is sleeping. Not sure what the surrounding area offers.

  2. She is beautiful Shelly! I'm so glad you finally posted pictures :) You are a champ for delivering her without an epi, way to go!

    Hang in there! I think having two is hard and I didn't just move and have my husband start a new job!
