Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let the Roller Coaster Begin!

Matt got his call he has been waiting for!! The FAA called him and said they had 4 slots to fill for this fiscal year and asked if he could be in Oklahoma City on August 3rd! Of course he said yes! Praise God!

This of course sets the roller coaster into motion. So many things to plan and figure out. We think he is going to be gone for 2 1/2 months which means he won't be back until mid October which means he might miss out on Chloe's birth. This is the only negative to this timing. Everything else is so good! I have been really worried about not having my good insurance (I have the County insurance). Once he starts training he can put me on his good insurance and I can have the baby at Redlands (I was going to have to go to a County Hospital). Also, while he is gone, I only have 1 child to take care of by myself instead of 2! And of course, I can quit my job all that much sooner!

This is just amazing news and timing and I am so thankful to God!


  1. Yay, that's wonderful news Salch! Praise God :) I'm so excited for you guys!

  2. Yea!!! The best advice I can hand out for possilbe hubby gone and new baby at home is to freeze meals so you don't have to cook and worry about dinners its a huge lifesaver!
