Sunday, November 20, 2011

Command Center

I have been wanting to make an organization board for a long time now and finally just did it! I call it my command center. what a nerd.

When it comes to cooking, if I don't have a planned out menu, I will fail.  I am a fast food junkie and if I don't have something planned, guess what we eat! My weekly problem would be that I would plan out my menu on a scratch paper next to my grocery list.  Go to the grocery store, and then throw my list away forgetting my menu was on it.

I also would get a lot of recipes online and then when it was time to make it, would have to go look it up again and waste all this time on the computer.

I can lay out a few more excuses, but you get the point!

So I made my board.  I have a weekly schedule on it including a to-do list and menu for each day (Yes, I realize the lines are crooked and YES it drives me crazy.  I made it while watching Desperate Housewives, so it didn't have my full attention).  I can write it all up there, grab a piece of paper from the magnetic notepad and make my grocery list. I added some cork board to the bottom for any important things that we can't forget about.  I can also print out any recipes and stick them in the little recipe envelope.  I even made a little pen/pencil holder out of my leftover cork board.  I added a receipt envelope too since I am always having to return things for some reason and throw away the receipt on accident.  I hung the board next to my computer.

There you have it. My command center. It's not perfect.  It's not very pretty! But it is functioning! lol.

1 comment:

Teresa Leanne said...

Awesome! I can't wait for mine. It's perfect :)

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