Thursday, October 27, 2011


I remember this commercial from a long time ago...

Nike Commercial

Oh you know something? My bed and pillow call out to me every time I enter my bedroom. Sadly, I long to lay in my bed all day and just sleep. I am not depressed, I promise! It is just sooo comforting to me to lay in my bed and feel my cool pillow against my face and get all warm and toasty under my covers.  I always struggled with getting out of bed on time when I was working.  I would give myself only 10 minutes to "get ready" before I rushed off to work because I couldn't get up on time.  I would try to use the heater in my car to blow dry my hair and put my makeup on when I reached my desk at work.  I love sleep. :(

Every time I put Chloe down for her nap, I tell her how lucky she is. She even started repeating it back to me without me saying it first... "I'm lucky mom?" haha.

Now that I have kids, I can't really sleep in like I used to. I don't want to be "lazy".  I REALLY want to be a morning person. I met this woman awhile back that told me her morning schedule.  She got up at 5 a.m. ...ON PURPOSE...and got ready, did her hair and makeup, had her quiet time, then when her kids got up, she was totally ready to start her busy day.  Do you know what I would like?? I would love to have the self-discipline to do that.  And some days I have actually done that.  However, most days I know I can sleep (somewhat) until about 7 a.m.

Then I read this quote, "Beside those that have a family to take care of should not love their bed too much in the morning."


Does anyone have any advice????

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You know, when I don't look at my clock I get up a lot earlier. When I see it say 545 or 630 or 7 even I tell myself I need more sleep. Maybe try that once?

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