Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Certified Hubby!

This post has been a long time coming!

My hubby became a fully certified Air traffic Controller in late July!

I have never been more proud of him!  This has been such a long journey to get here.  It started when my friend Jessica forwarded me a job posting.  At this time, I was working full time and Matt was working at the bank.  With a little baby at home and one soon on the way, I so desperately wanted to stay home and prayed for a year and a half to be able to.  When I got this job posting, Matt and I both said "Why not?"

So he applied in June of 2009.  In September of 2009, he got a letter to come and take a test which tests a person's ability and skills to see if they would be a good match.  He took the test and landed on the Well Qualified list. We didn't hear anything until January 2010 in which the FAA inquired as to his preferred geographic locations.  Then he got selected for an interview in April 2010 and got a call not too long after that he was selected to be at Southern Ca TRACON located in San Diego!   WE could have been sent ANYWHERE!

Of course, I began researching this facility and found some discouraging news.  This facility is one of the highest ranked and most busy facilities in the nation.  It also had a very low success rate for off the street new hires.  When I would tell other people where he was going to work, all they would say was "don't buy a house" meaning it isn't likely he would make it! Ugh!

In July 2010, he got a call to be in Oklahoma City in a week and a half and would be gone for 2 1/2 months training.  While we were ecstatic, this meant he was leaving us in my third trimester!!

Two and half months went so very SLOW!!!! In the meantime, I went on official maternity leave, and with the help of my mom and mother-in-law, packed up a house, found a new place to live and moved. 

Matt was scheduled to return on October 15, 2010 but his trainer let him finish a day early in hopes he would make it for Chloe's birth!  I went into labor at 2 am on October 14, had Clobo at 6:20 and Matt returned that afternoon at 5 pm.

Three days later, we packed up our little family and headed to Lakeside, CA.  Matt started that Monday and we went through a VERY hard time during the next three months!

Matt had to complete 5 sectors to become fully certified! At each passed sector, we celebrated and I had tears in my eyes each time! I was sooooo proud of him!!! God blessed him with some of the best trainers at the facility and Matt never gave up!

In July 2011, after 2 years from the time he applied, he became fully certified at one of the most difficult places!  He is very much loved at his work and is doing wonderfully!!!!  He thouroughly enjoys his job and is so fulfilled there!

K and I threw him a congratulatory party (Clo was sleepin!).

We made him yummy cupcakes!
 and hung paper airplanes from the turning ceiling fan
 and a congrats banner (which is hard to read)

Of course we also went out to dinner to celebrate!

Congrats Honey!! We are so PROUD of you!!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so great! Way to go Matt! I'm so glad he made it through such a hard place AND that he loves it :)

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