Friday, July 15, 2011

Big Bear with the Casey's

This past Thursday and Friday, we had the pleasure of getting away with our wonderful friends Tina and Ryan...without the kiddos!

We went up to Big Bear and stayed at the Grey Squirrel Inn! On Thursday we went out to town to look at some of the shops and then out to dinner at a BBQ place by the beach. YUM. Then went shopping at Kmart! It was so much fun going shopping without the kids! We bought snacks and some fun games to play.  That night we stayed up until...drumroll please...11:30 PM. hahaha After I kicked all their tails in our fun dice game, we decided to go to bed.

 I thought this dog was going to drown!

 Whoa! Hey Now!
Ok...this is worse!  lol.
 There we go!
 They made me act like a dork! haha
In the morning, I got up at 7 am. I guess I am officially old now that I wake up at that time on my own when I could have had the chance to sleep in! It was nice though so I took a walk and snapped this pic outside our porch! 

 After everyone got up, we headed to the Big Bear Airport and ate at the airport cafe. This is something the Casey's like to do and is now something I would love to continue. It was so fun to watch the planes and the food was pretty good.

Afterwards we went shopping some more (hehe) and then went to the Alpine sledding place.  This was actually really fun but I am a big chicken and was scared to go down the track too fast.  I think I got passed by two elementary school kids on the other side. 

We had such a nice time visiting with our dear friends who we love!!

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