Sunday, June 12, 2011

Missing our Airplane Grandma and Grandpa

We had such a nice time visiting with Airplane Grandma and Grandpa!! I am mad at myself for not getting more pictures but at least we will when we are up in Washington next month.  At least we got one with Grandma Nancy :)  We all went and visited the goats (of course) and went to Old Town one night.  Yummy Mexican food!! whoo whoo.  On Friday and Saturday morning Nancy took me yardsaling (spelling!?).! I got a spice rack that I am going to paint for $1 that hangs on the wall. I got a new electric can opener for $3 and she got a little mixer (like a Bullet) for $1 that she gave to us that is awesome!! I also got the girls some new books! I was so excited! I can never pay full price for anything. I thought thrift stores were good deals, but now I can't even go there. lol.

Here is Kaitlyn in her new Ariel dress.

 Aww! Grandma Nancy!!

 Matt and his dad love beer. So apprently this was good enough to take pictures of. haha

The girls and I went on a Nature walk today around our condos.

Here is a famous Kaitlyn pose. 
Loving the glasses and the crusty nose. haha.

 I love you girls!!

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