Saturday, April 30, 2011

Random Info

Wow! Four blog posts in one day!

This one is just random stuff!

Matt and I ordered a new workout program that we can do at home and have successfully completed 1 out 12 weeks.  It is pretty intense but I saw before and after pics of a friend of mine and I was super impressed! It is a great bonding experience and I am excited to see our new changes and we are already feeling better (we have to eat healthy too, booooo).  If I am brave enough, I will post before and after pictures.  Here is the link to my friend's story

I have picked up another side job!  I have been a mystery shopper for six months or so and now I am a dog walker. The dog belongs to one of Matt's co-workers and is really sweet. Her name is Tori!  The girls enjoy it too and it is only three days a week from time to time!

Other than that, we are just busy busy busy! Here are some random pics of the girls!

K and I made a maze using poker chips one day.
 The girls LOVE for me to dump the clean laundry on them.

K and I discovered we could make cookies without needing eggs (we used applesauce) so we were celebrating that we could all the dough we wanted without fear of getting sick, lol.

K got some new makeup (sigh).  She thinks it goes over her eyebrows.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

LOL, can K come do my eyebrows? That's awesome :)

Way to go on the fittness!
I've been working out too and feel SO much better. Unfortunately I need to do a little better on the diet :/

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