Saturday, April 30, 2011

My little Clobo

My little Clobo

You are one of the loves of my life!!! You are at such a fun age right now!

You are sooooo different from your sister in that you can play on your own for hours and be totally fine. You will find anything and everything to play with and entertain yourself and it is wonderful! You are really into closing doors right now and so often I find you in your room with the door closed and you are sitting on your caterpillar chair sucking your thumb and reading a book.

You really love to go in our shower and hang out in there and you enjoy giving your stuffed animals baths in the toilet.  You love to lay on piles of clothes or blankets and say "nite nite".  I often find you in a laundry basket. 

You love to play with stuffed animals and the doll houses. You are always trying to stuff little pet shop animals inside the doll house refrigerators and put them on the doll house potty.

 You love to put things in your pink stroller and stroller them around still. I find a lot of my kitchen utensils in there a lot.

You are talking a ton right now and the other day you read me your No No Yes Yes book. My heart melted to see how much you are learning and it makes me so proud!!

I think you are a perfectionist. You get VERY upset when things won't go neatly into whatever you are trying to stuff them in. The other day, you helped me take the clothes out of the dryer and put them in the basket. If the clothing was hanging over the edge, you had to make sure it got all the way into the basket.

I love you my little Clobo!!!!!

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