Saturday, February 26, 2011


Yay! I am saying that because we got our nice camera fixed finally!!!! Goodness, I can tell such a difference :) The pics below are a mixture of both cameras.

We had a busy week once again!! Last Saturday, my dear friend Crystal came out and took K to McDonalds, the movies and then to Build a Bear! My goodness! It was so sweet of her!!! We took pics of the girls at Build a Bear (I have been avoiding this place like the plague for good reason!).  She even got Clobo a mini-Build a Bear which is adorable :) Thanks so much Crystal! You are the sweetest!!!!!!!

Here she is washing our new addition "Beary".

 Clobo was not too interested in standing in once place...she was all over!!!

 Here is Beary complete in Tinkerbell costume.

 We ended up heading out to Beaumont during the middle of the week. I think this was truly one of my best trips with the girls. I was telling Matt that the past month has seemed to have gotten easier in some aspects. Kaitlyn and Chloe play together now instead of just being around each other competing for my attention. Every morning while I am getting ready (yah! I know! I actually get to get ready now!), they run around holding hands and playing in K's princess tent. This has become their haven together! They are ALWAYS in there giggling and playing. They still fight now and then (of course), but wow! So much easier now they are interacting. K has even become more lovable to Clo and she is always hugging and kissing her. I imagine maybe this is how it would have been early on if K had been older when Clo was born. I am really enjoying it though :)

Clobo has really blossomed with her personality and her words too! She says a ton of stuff (Mama, Dada, banana, ready, please, thank you, cannon ball (this is K's favorite saying for some reason), hi, bye, ya, no, NO (loudly), more, and some others that I can't recall! She can tell you what sound all the farm animals make and she even makes song requests in the car now (God loves me is one of her favorites apparently). She knows a lot of words to the songs we listen to in the car and I always hear her chime in at the end of all the lines to the song (so cute :) I have to type all this so I remember!!!

We were waiting for Daddy to get a raise at work to look into K going to dance classes as this has been a love of hers for awhile now! I dont' know how many costume changes we go through in a day but she hardly wears regular clothes anymore. I can't wait to take her (if we find a reasonable place)!!!

Other than that, we are all doing well! I really need to pick up a hobby or something soon. I find it hard to carry on a conversation with new people I meet or people I occasionally see who don't have kids (or don't want to talk about kids all the time). I dont' have anything else to talk about sadly!! I will try to find something!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I had just as much fun as she did! So thankful for you and your girls and the time you let me share with you :)

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