Friday, January 14, 2011

Here we are!

Yay!! I have a moment to blog!! Yay!!! I finally found my camera cord so I could download my pictures!!!

We are pretty much settled in here with the exception of putting my pictures up on the walls. We are also almost all healthy! I still have a lingering cold but it is just about done. I have had it for almost 3 weeks now and it was a hard one to get rid of!

We really enjoyed Christmas and New Years this year despite having to pack and move.  Matt's parents came down and we loved visiting with them so much! We are going to visit them this August!! I can't wait!!!

Matt is still doing really well at work, he had a whole week off last week. Partly because we moved and then partly due to the flu. Lucky for him, he only had to work 2 days again and then had his regular weekend yesterday and today!

The girls and I have been trying to get outside to enjoy this beautiful weather!!! (Sorry Grandma Nancy, the temperature really was 70 degrees after you left) :(

It is a lot of fun going places now that Chloe is walking! She is so cute holding Kaitlyn's hand. We even went to Disneyland yesterday and I let her do some walking! So cute!!!!!!!

Here are some pictures! Some of them were from like a month ago when we were still at our old place!

My Grandma came down to celebrate her 85th birthday!!

 Here we are at Bate's Nut Farm feeding the goats (about a month ago).

 This was the girl's old room.  We are getting ready for story time before bed (one of my favorite times!)

 The girls are having a tea party (sorry for the blurriness!!!)

 Here was our big find on our nature walk at our new place, lol.

 Gardening in our new back yard! K likes to pick the mint off and "plant" it in our box. She also replants any flowers they pick from outside.

 Playing playdough :)

 Clobo has to wear slippers or shoes at all times, otherwise she falls flat on her face on the tile or wood floor.

 Clobo on Pirates, lol. It was super dark so that is why her eyes are so big! lol. She actually really liked the ride.

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