Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hello out there!

Wow! LOVING this new blog feature that lets you upload all your pictures at once!! That means more blogging!! It used to take a good 30 minutes to blog and upload pictures before! So cool!!!

Well, here they are! Lots and lots of pictures :)
The girls playing Tea Party!

 Kaitlyn had made this display for Chloe on her birthday (I know, I know, I still need to post pictures of that). It was so thoughtful!

 She is taking a bow as we all clapped.

 The four of us went to Disneyland on Thursday :) It was good! The girls were good (even on the ride to and from!!!)

 This is as close she would get to "Goofy" (she doesn't know her characters yet, lol). She was terrified but refused to get out of line.
 This is her fairy costume. I had to put a shirt underneath as it was kinda low cut otherwise. Actually, it is Chloe's shirt. lol. I didn't have a plain one for K.

1 comment:

Casey Chronicles said...

How funny is that. We were supposed to be at Disneyland on Thursday. But instead we ended up there on Friday. Spent the whole day there for our anniversary. Maybe next time we can all go together. Our passes expire the 18 of Dec.

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