Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Operation Reclaim Bedroom (Part 1)

Ok, so we made the mistake a long time ago letting K sleep in our bed. Honestly, most of the time we really don't mind her with us. But there are times, particularly the ones where one of us is continually awakened with feet in our back, or an arm hitting our face, etc. We have a cal-king bed and often only have about a foot to sleep on. Anyhow, part of this process involves us taking her pacifier away so that is one thing she won't need when she is back in her own bed in her OWN bedroom. I have been dreading this part as it seems that my child is the most attached to her pacifier than any other child in the world (or at least in my eyes, haha). So at breakfast the other day, we gathered all the pacis I could find (some are hiding around the house) and she gave them all hugs, kisses and one last suck.

I told her that now that she was a big girl, she would get to pick out her first tea set. I had tears in my eyes because even though I know that I should have ditched the pacis a long time ago, this was the last "baby" thing left about her. and I cried...yes, sad I know. But I did. She got to pick her tea set and even a few princess accessories. Night time rolled around and she decided she didn't want her new toys now that she realized we were serious about the pacis. She made it though (and so did we). We are going on day 3! whoo hoo! Our next step will be to get her in her own bed, and then in her own bedroom!


Charlee said...

I know its hard to do but getting her out of your bed is so rewarding! With Breven we had to go cold turkey and when he moved to his room we put the gate on the door and then leave him in his room. He cried and it was a hard week I would cuddle him outside the room lots and then put him to bed and reassure him he was ok. Then when he got out of bed we marched him right back with no talking. It took about 2 weeks and it worked.

Casey Chronicles said...

Way to go MOM... Remember I said it would be a few days of rough roads, but she will thank you for it some day. She looks so beautiful in her Princess gear. Can't wait to see you guys here next friday. I hope you are still going to Sea World with us. Loves T

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