Monday, August 9, 2010

7 Years!

Wow! I can't believe we have been married for 7 years now! My mom took the girls for us for 4 days! We stayed home and relaxed and just went out here and there! The first night, I had tickets to a comedy club (thanks to my comedy traffic school...HA! Take that policewoman for giving me a ticket. I ended up having fun despite your high priced ticket and shame) so we found a nice Thai restaurant next to the club in La Jolla before the show.

The next day we got to go to Matt's work so I could see what he does all day. It was so IMPRESSIVE!! I loved it! It still amazes me that he has such a big responsibility! Then we went to our favorite lunch spot, a little French sandwich place near his work called Chez Nous (YUM!). That afternoon we did a little shopping and then went to a local Irish Pub (Double YUM!).

The last day we visited a winery here in Escondido called Cordiano Winery! I am not a big fan of wine but wanted to try wine tasting. I made it through the tastings ok but mostly enjoyed the homemade Italian Pizza they made for us on the spot. OH MY GOODNESS!!! This was the only time we took pictures!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So glad you could enjoy some kid-free time together, how great! Stay-cations are fun :)

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