Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So apparently only one of the pot smoking neighbors has left. The other one who smokes it everyday and is super loud is still here. Will he leave soon? I have no idea...but when I realized he was still here, it through me into a very depressed mood. I am so frustrated!! There is NOTHING I can do about it. We have called the police, the HOA, Code Enforcement, asked them to not smoke it inside... I have researched and there are no laws protecting neighbors of people like this...I really don't want to move! We CAN'T right now, we are locked into a lease, we can't afford it either. I guess I am depressed because we LOVED this place prior to them moving in and since, it has been one frustration after another and frankly, I don't need any more frustrations!!!

Ok...I know that probably a few days (or weeks), I can look back on this post and provide some explanation of how it all worked out and that God is in control. So I will stop stressing...ugh!

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