Saturday, May 15, 2010

Well as usual, we have been super busy around here!

I have confirmed that we do have new neighbors above us and they are here to stay...unfortunately, they smoke a lot and sometimes I think it is pot...they are constantly rolling something up there like a chair or something, and they play loud video games and ganster music all the time which rumble our walls...I am sad :( Oh well...we had it good here for awhile I suppose.

Sorry to start out on a bad note but I can't help it when the walls are a rummblin as I type!

We are very excited that Matt's parents are coming down from Washington soon! Whoo hoo!

We took K to Disneyland last week and Chloe stayed with my mom. We had such a perfect day, the weather was great and there weren't a ton of people! It was so much fun to just go without packing a ton of bottles, a double stroller, and to worry about a crying baby on It's a Small World!

My mom also came down this last weekend and brought my cute little nephew JJ. Kaitlyn ADORES JJ like crazy so they had a ton of fun. We took the trolley around San Diego and went to Seaport Village.

And we finally planted our garden in the flower box my dad made me about a year ago! We planted a cucumber, a bell pepper, and a bean plant!

Here are some recent pics from the last few weeks!

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