Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter :)

We had a wonderful Easter!

Grandma Nancy sent the girls really awesome Easter baskets full of tons of goodies! The girls were excited and K is still on a sugar high! haha Thank you Gamma and Grandpa!

On Saturday, K and I colored Easter eggs and she loved it. The girls and I headed out to my sister-in-law's on Sunday (Matt had to work unfortunately) and we got to do an Easter egg hunt there and eat yummy food!

Other than that we have been staying busy at home. We have done several Easter egg hunts around the house since K had such a good time doing it. Her version of hiding the eggs when it is her turn is to throw them all in the closet. I try to still ask surprised when I find them all.

Chloe is doing much better about being held by other people which is awesome! WE have started her on solids for good now and she is doing great!

Matt has half certified on one of his sectors! (he still has to pass one more part! Go honey!!!!

Matt is celebrating his 29th birthday this week so this should be exciting!

Here are some pictures :)

The girls in their Easter dresses!

K and I have been playing Elefun and I was so proud she caught 5 butterflies on her own!

My poor Clobo...she always has this expression when she sees the camera flashing. lol

Look how long K's hair is getting!

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