Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Operation Booger and KFC

Ok, so this has been a weird week so far (and it's only Tuesday).

Chloe has had a booger in her nose for 2 days now. I have tried everything (boogie wipes, warm washcloth, booger sucker...even picking it), but the little turkey will not hold her head still long enough for me to extract it. Do you remember the game Operation? Maybe if I wait until she falls asleep and take a pair of tweezers...if I bump her nose, then she will scream...otherwise I win! haha totally kidding.

So our bathroom started smelling like Kentucky Fried Chicken. I thought it was from our neighbors but when the smell lingered in our otherwsise fresh smelling bathroom, for two days I decided to go on a hunt. I discovered a diaper that was from who knows when in the trash. Why it smelled like KFC, I will not know.

Anyhow, on a positive note, the girls and I went to a botanical garden in Encinitas today. It was beautiful!! we joined our toddler group that we just joined. Here are some pictures from our week and our trip today!

I was driving back from our trip and just praising God for such a great time with my girls. Although staying home can sometimes be hard, it was days like this that make me appreciate getting to stay at home so much. What a blessing and it is so fulfilling! Thank you Lord!

Awww my little thumb sucker. I know it is a bad habit, but it is sooooooooo cute!

Poor little Clo-bo, I didn't have another person to take pictures, so this was my attempt to get her in my sling.

I didn't even realize we were this close to the ocean until we were leaving, haha.

Poor K got bubble soap all over her face at the Botanical Gardens.

In my attempt to cut down on TV time, I made K a car. haha

Here are the girls in their laundry basket jails.

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