Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weekend Fun :)

We had such a nice weekend! My mom and grandma came down yesterday so Matt and I could have a nice evening out! We went shopping and out to dinner! It was nice and relaxing! Then today, we all went to Belmont Park on Mission Beach and K got to ride the rides and we looked at the water!

The girls are doing well! We are preparing for K's 2nd birthday this week! Wow...2?!? Already???

I think Chloe has started sleeping through the night! The other night she went to bed in her crib at 8:30 p.m. and didn't wake up until 5:00 a.m.!!!!!!!!!! Then she took a bottle and slept until 7:15!!! Last night she went to bed a little earlier and only woke up once in the middle of the night and then slept until 8! It has been wonderful!!! I think she is starting teething...ugh! She was a bit fussy the last few days and has started drooling and putting a ton of stuff in her mouth. I sooooooo wish I had done sleep training with K the same way. OH well!

Matt is doing well at work still! He is close to passing his first sector (he has to pass 5 to be fully certified). He has one week left of his class and then will be controlling on the floor! How stressful!!!!

I am doing good! I have joined a toddler play group that goes out on outings. We shall see how it goes!

We tried giving Chloe rice cereal...

She finally let me do her hair!!

My beautiful family!!!

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